1. Why another blog in 2023?
In an era with an average attention span of just 10 seconds, you might be tempted to close this tab (quick hint: Cmd+W). If you're still here, the lure of attention-economy might suggest I dangle a few enticing tidbits to ensure you continue reading. If you've made it to the end of this paragraph, then my in-depth content sparkled with some humor might be right for you.
Now, for the core reason of (re)starting my blogging output. The key input fact is that I am old enough to admit that my best way of my communication output is trough writing (code). This become apparent during my recent chat with my dad:
Dad: “I just had a refreshing beer on a hike - ask me anything.”
Me: “So, what about me pisses you off the most?”
Dad: “Peter, I very often find it hard to decipher your words”.
Thanks dad. I tried to keep a positive mindset that I contribute a tough training dataset for those voice-to-text AI models for the benefit our humanity.
Anyway, so blog it is.
2. What it will be about?
The above reads like a narcissistic desire to be heard - lets judge that later.
For content, my primary goal is to share stories from what is now an exploratory phase of my professional life. Ideally, it’s a win-win for us, you get insights from my missteps, while making those public holds me accountable to navigate thoughtfully.
For style, I decided to call this blog Unsupervised Journey. A cross between my unsupervised learning and passion for mountains. The name should voice my life-long belief that the best way to explore uncharted territory is through combat. Yes, you will short-term spend a lot of sweat on your inevitable mistakes - hopefully traded off for long-term understanding and confidence.
3. Post cadence
Enough talking, lets get to something graspable. Until end of 2023, my aim is to roll out at least one blog piece weekly. To give you a taste, this is on the map of my blogging journey right now:
Overcoming my AI skepticism OR the night my wife asked: So is your job obsolete?
Artists denial: Automating My Dad's Caricature Sketches.
Friends raising concerns over my relationship with ChatGPT.
Frontend looks easy OR how hard it can be to create a voice-record button.
AWS SAML - great promise OR how my daughters learned to swear.
See you on the road!